
NHK Eテレ みんなのうた

Music Short Movie - Direction / Cinematograph

The short film " Always Rising After a Fall" was produced as an NHK project "to support all those who are trying hard toward 2020 and beyond. The main character is Haruka, who is training hard for a successful stage performance. Shiro, who lives in a wheelchair, is trying to pass a skills test. And a boy named Hyuga practices soccer by himself. The story follows the three as they try hard and engage in friendly competition to the tune of the project's theme song, "Paprika”.



作詞・作曲 米津玄師
編曲 : 菅野よう子
歌 : 上白石萌歌

Main Cast: 芋生 悠 荒井 志郎 吉田 日向
Sub Cast: 野崎 数馬
(以下50音順) 安慶名 晃規・浅井 佑友・市 純一・宇佐美 華
遠藤 清秀・黒澤 優介 嶋本 勝博・菅尾 龍叶・鈴木 淳
田中 亮・冨岡 英香・福田 結希・毛利 夏帆

Cinematographer:西垣 悟
Cam Assistant:軍司 拓実 (DRAWING AND MANUAL)
Lighting Director:入尾 明慶
Light 1st Assistant:佐藤 ちぐさ
Light assistant:奥村 智範・高橋 理之・遠山 嘉樹・向山 一矢・門間 俊一
Poster Design:鈴木 友唯
Stylist:綾部 秀美
Hair&Make:鷲塚 明寿美
Driver:On Location
Assistant Director:高峰 暖、平尾 晃一
Production Manager:水嶋 優太・大村 美央・梅井 聖香
Assistant Producer:細谷 星次郎
Production Producer:飯野 圭子・森口 典孝 (DRAWING AND MANUAL)・宮田 諭
Executive Producer : 佐藤正和 (NHK)
Production:DRAWING AND MANUAL + Flip-book Inc.
Produce : NHK
Director / Cinematographer / Edit:菱川 勢一 (DRAWING AND MANUAL)