
Concept Movie - Direction / Produce

Sony continues to drive alongside our rich creation in every aspect of music, art, and life. 2 years after Sony's first mobility vehicle, VISION-S, which was unveiled at CES®︎ in Las Vegas in January 2020, Sony unveiled the SUV-type VISION-S 02, which has undergone a series of road tests and design updates. VISION-S 02" was unveiled. This work, which was unveiled for the first time at CES®︎2022 in Las Vegas, U.S.A., is a creation that challenges visual expression in another dimension, combining live-action images from Spain, Yamaguchi Prefecture, and Kitakyushu, Japan, with virtual production. Teams from across borders, including the U.S. and Spain, came together to visualize the mobility of the future.

Director:池宗清史 | Kiyoshi Ikemune (DRAWING AND MANUAL)

Asst. Director:春木美保 | Miho Haruki (DRAWING AND MANUAL)

Production Producer:森口典孝 | Noritaka Moriguchi (DRAWING AND MANUAL)


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