Back at the engineering facility in Graz

Web AD - Direction + Produce

Sonyは米国ラスベガスのCES®︎2020で、Sony初となるモビリティ・デザインを発表。その後にラスベガスからオーストリアのグラーツに位置する開発拠点へ輸送された「VISION-S Prototype」の姿を撮影したコンセプトフィルム。多くの技術者やデザイナーに迎えられた「VISION-S Prototype」が、2020年度中の公道走行実験を目指す幕開けとなり、これから始まるSonyの新たな挑戦を物語る。

The first mobility designed by Sony was presented at CES®︎2020 in Las Vegas, USA. In this film, the !VISION-S Prototype” was subsequently transported from Las Vegas to the development site located in Graz, Austria. The VISION-S Prototype was welcomed by many engineers and designers, and the film shows the beginning of a new challenge for mobility that is about to begin, with the aim of public road testing by 2020.

Director: 池宗清史|Kiyoshi Ikemune(DRAWING AND MANUAL)

Videographer: Vincent Seidel
Videographer: Martin Schneider
Videographer: Roland Furian

Edit: 池宗清史|Kiyoshi Ikemune(DRAWING AND MANUAL)
Composit: 吉田隆宏|Takahiro Yoshida(P THREE)
Music: Primary Color Music
Mixer: 由井昌宏|Masahiro Yui(P THREE)

Co-Producer: 黒川博之|Hiroyuki Kurokawa
Assistant Director: Karen Michler
Production Producer: 森口典孝|Noritaka Moriguchi(DRAWING AND MANUAL)
Production Assistant: 中島唯歌|Yuika Nakajima(DRAWING AND MANUAL)

Art Director: 城ヶ野修啓|Nobuhiro Jogano(Sony Corporation)
Producer: 鞍田享|Tohru Kurata(Sony Corporation)

CLIENT: Sony Corporation