VISION-S 02 Concept Movie
Concept Movie - Direction + Produce
音楽、アート、生活、あらゆる面から私たちの豊かな創造に寄り添い、走り続けるSony。2020年1月に米ラスベガスCES®︎で発表したSony初のモビリティ「VISION-S」から2年の歳月を経て、走行テストやデザイン・アップデートを重ねたSUV型の「VISION-S 02」を発表。
Sony continues to drive alongside our rich creation in every aspect of music, art, and life. 2 years after Sony's first mobility vehicle, VISION-S, which was unveiled at CES®︎ in Las Vegas in January 2020, Sony unveiled the SUV-type VISION-S 02, which has undergone a series of road tests and design updates. VISION-S 02" was unveiled. This work, which was unveiled for the first time at CES®︎2022 in Las Vegas, U.S.A., is a creation that challenges visual expression in another dimension, combining live-action images from Spain, Yamaguchi Prefecture, and Kitakyushu, Japan, with virtual production. Teams from across borders, including the U.S. and Spain, came together to visualize the mobility of the future.
Director:池宗清史 | Kiyoshi Ikemune (DRAWING AND MANUAL)
Asst. Director:春木美保 | Miho Haruki (DRAWING AND MANUAL)
Production Producer:森口典孝 | Noritaka Moriguchi (DRAWING AND MANUAL)
Director:池宗清史 | Kiyoshi Ikemune (DRAWING AND MANUAL)
Asst. Director:春木美保 | Miho Haruki (DRAWING AND MANUAL)
Production Producer:森口典孝 | Noritaka Moriguchi (DRAWING AND MANUAL)
DOP:印藤正人 / VP DOP:勝野賢 / 1st AC:宮田昂 / DIT:大舘悌介 / Lighting Director:東岡允 / 1st AL:齋藤友加里 / Key Grip:田中宏樹(Diego) / Drone Pilot:磯匡敏 (レイブプロジェクト) / Camera Operator:花房浩二(レイブプロジェクト) / Visual observer: 請川博一(レイブプロジェクト) / Interior Stylist:岡本真由美 / Hair & Make:木村一真 / Stylist:竹之内レミ(W) / CAST:ADAPresidencial / Driver:塩谷烈州(G-MOTION) / Car Care:青柳敬大(PHIARO CORPORATION) +依田竜一(PHIARO CORPORATION)+バクシ·アンドラス(PHIARO CORPORATION) / Location Coordinator:内田裕巳(PILOT’S) / Asst.Coordinator:軒亜樹(PILOT’S) / Asst.Coordinator:下和田壮一(PILOT’S) / Special Thanks:美祢市観光協会 / Security:縁 / Production Manager:佐藤輝 / Production Manager:坂本式立 / Production Manager:飯塚健二 / Production Manager:依田宇基 / Production Manager: 望月麻里 / Photographer:青木大 / Asst. Photographer:中西大河 / Still Lighting Director:和泉雄介 / Photo Retouch:櫻井喜明(whiteSTOUT) /SPAIN UNIT
Producer:Júlia Carrasco (NEVADA) / Producer:Laura Lepre (NEVADA) / Production Manager:Àgata Bert / Prod. Coordinator:Anna Salgado / Location Manager:Mar Josa / 1st AD:Dani Velázquez / DOP:Marc Miró / DOP:Martí Herrera / 1st AC:Alfredo Suárez / 1st AC:Alicia Galiña / 2nd AC:Sergio Santana / Video Assist Streaming:Víctor Rodríguez / DIT:Sergi Aranda / Drone Pilot:Christian Barckhahn / Camera Operator:Marc Llinares / Key Grip:Rodrigo Alvarez / Movi Tech:Dani Vergara / Virtual Production / PM:遠藤和真(Sony PCL Inc.) / Virtual Production Technical director:細田昌史(Sony PCL Inc.) / Virtual Production Marketing:黒谷瑞樹(Sony PCL Inc.) / Production Design:鍵和田正樹(TOHO EIZO BIJUTSU) / Music:Primary Color / MusicComposer:Sammie Lee (Primary Color Music) / Edit:武川哲也(Mean Films) / Composit:吉田隆宏(P THREE) / Mixer:由井昌宏(P THREE) / Sound Effect:平川将太 / Post Production Producer:仲潔 (P THREE) / Line Producer:三石昭廣Art Director:城ヶ野修啓(Sony Group Corporation) / Designer: 幸田拓真(Sony Group Corporation) / Creative Producer: 鞍田享(Sony Group Corporation) / CLIENT:Sony Group Corporation